Thursday, 9 July 2015


I won`t say much, but follow these links down below to go to the new art blog, live diary and anime reviews! Thank you to anyone who still visits this page!

Anime Reviews;
Art Blog;
Live Diary;
Instagram;   amy_marshy_melons

Sunday, 20 October 2013

Ninja Warriors....

Since i got back to school i haven`t really had that much time to play any video games... So upsetting!! 
The only game i`ve actually been able to play recently is (once again) ninja warriors online... So, i leveled up a few times and got some new upgrades and stuff!! 
Yay for Amy!

 I finally realized that in the mall you can buy the items with vouchers as well and not just gold... I`m soooo slow when it comes to this game -.-
I also filled up a lot of essence the other day... Which is good cause i have loads to spend on upgrades.. But not so good as i spent it all on opening one of the eight gates....
As i am that slow... i`ve only just realized that this is actually the quickest way to gain essence points; but it`s quite hard and pretty rare to get an S-Rank mission these days...

I seriously need to play a lot more; when i do i`ll have to try and beat some of my followers or something, ehehehe...

Stay awesome!!
=^.^= ~Amy~ =^.^=

Monday, 7 October 2013

Too Many DS Games....

So yesterday i was told to tidy my room; i have to admit i did attempt it.... But there was a huge pile of DS games in the corner of my room! The worst thing was that i had never realized how many i actually had until i piled them up; i still haven`t counted the all up, i just ignored how many i had and put the in a box, on the shelf, in my cupboard....
I think i should count them soon; and the i might either give them away to some friends or sell them on ebay
Not so sure...

 Forgive my extremely messy pile of junk underneath my bed; I have tons of games consoles, Cases and chargers underneath there that still needed to be sorted out.
Soe of these games are seriously old and i haven`t played them in ages; in fact i have one of the first ever DS`s... It`s bulky and metallic pink! 
I also seemed to have come across a lot of these old Magazines that have been stashed underneath my bed; and have also avoided the bin for at least a year. 
Some of these are old as well, i think i need to get back into NEO magazines; their really cool and have all sorts of stuff in about Japan, new types of Anime and Manga 

=^.^= ~Amy~ =^.^=

Thursday, 19 September 2013

Minecraft Temple competition...

So.... About three weeks ago me and my little cousin Thomas started doing a little competition at his house; it was to make the best minecraft temple without using world edit... But he did, which means that i shall automatically win when i finally finish the one that i have made.....

Even better, i actually have proof that it was all hand made and that i didn`t cheat like Thomas...
 So basically this first one is a 50 x 50 pyramid in the middle of nowhere..... It took me forever to finish!

The pyramid in front of the 50 x 50 pyramid is 32 x 32..... Than the one next to it is actually a 20 x 20 pyramid, obviously i`m still making the pyramid but then again it will still take me a while...

I have to get to work soon...

=^.^= ~Amy~ =^.^=

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Minecraft re-colors....

So then.... After going back to school an talking to fellow minecraft players over the past two weeks...
We all admitted that a new update is needed to change the color of Armour to give your player a little bit more personality rather than just using iron or diamonds....
Even if it`s just using a lot of crafting and materials to change the color, it could just be like enchanting for instance... Changing the color of your weaponry or armory could be super simple and super quick...

But our dreams of walking around like multi colored gay men where soon crushed.... As the creators and developers down at Mojang don`t really want to do this even though i think it could actually attract a new audience...

Like me for instance: i`m quite creative and love design, so i got minecraft so i could design my own village, town and of course... A ridiculously sized house only for me :3

But for now.... All i have is some minecraft re- colors i did a while ago that me and my mates loved sooo much <3

These where entirely made by and re-colored by me; if you wish to use this image for anything just feel free to go ahead and save it as "random junk"... I mean, pft; who`s gonna know :P
Not me

=^.^= ~Amy~ =^.^=

Monday, 2 September 2013

Ninja Warriors...

so after playing this ninja warrior game for a while i thought it would be cool to do a little something on the game!

For starts; it`s an online pc game! Based on the Manga and Anime series called Naruto, with everyones favorite characters... And Naruto himself!!
It`s actually based on the original Naruto series, and it starts right from the beginning; which means that we get to see Sasuke disappear! Cool stuff like that. 

Unfortunately; there are quite a few down sides.... There are so many players that are all online at the same time, you end up lagging the hell out of the game. Sometimes, the lag is so bad... You end having to turn all of the cool features off.....
-The cool music that plays
-Sound effects
-other players characters
-Other players Ninjutsu`s....

Little things like that can make a big difference on the game play and can sometimes make the game seem a bit boring to play. When it isn`t lagging, it becomes a whole new story! The game play is amazing, the graphics seem a whole lot better and you can actually interact with other players!

(Above) So this is actually my little guy in action. I`m not to good at the game but i have leveled up quite a bit now so i`ve been accepted into a gang. These creatures that i`m killing are called Missing Nin`s... You can collect skill books and souls from them.

 (Above) The souls can actually take up to an hour to collect, and that`s just one of them. It actually took me and hour and a half to collect two of them and then i used them straight away in case another player decided to kill me and take them away...
One thing that you have to remember at the moment; You cannot customize characters and have to play as default characters... Plus their are still no female lighting styled characters so i still have to play as a guy... Dayum..

Apart from a little bit of lag, the game is awesome..
it`s free to play and is on the xixigames website. So if you haven`t signed up be sure to do it sooner or later!! 

=^.^= ~Amy~ =^.^=

Sunday, 1 September 2013

Minecraft Skin; Cat Girl

After spending some time on minecraft pc and getting used to the game itself; cause i always play xbox; i thought i`d make another statue to put next to our stevey...

she`s my favourite skin so far; i love using her on xbox cause my friends are always like... o.O wutt??
She only took me around 10 minutes to make and it now means that our stevey is no longer lonely :D

=^.^= ~Amy~ =^.^=