Monday, 7 October 2013

Too Many DS Games....

So yesterday i was told to tidy my room; i have to admit i did attempt it.... But there was a huge pile of DS games in the corner of my room! The worst thing was that i had never realized how many i actually had until i piled them up; i still haven`t counted the all up, i just ignored how many i had and put the in a box, on the shelf, in my cupboard....
I think i should count them soon; and the i might either give them away to some friends or sell them on ebay
Not so sure...

 Forgive my extremely messy pile of junk underneath my bed; I have tons of games consoles, Cases and chargers underneath there that still needed to be sorted out.
Soe of these games are seriously old and i haven`t played them in ages; in fact i have one of the first ever DS`s... It`s bulky and metallic pink! 
I also seemed to have come across a lot of these old Magazines that have been stashed underneath my bed; and have also avoided the bin for at least a year. 
Some of these are old as well, i think i need to get back into NEO magazines; their really cool and have all sorts of stuff in about Japan, new types of Anime and Manga 

=^.^= ~Amy~ =^.^=

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